
Guardabosque en medio del bosque subido en un árbol


08 de March | 2020

Treasuring that which is feminine is crucial for humanity’s survival

Protege el bosque, Arbio Perú


28 de January | 2020

The urgency to give economic value to the forest

Tatiana Espinoza premiada por el Ministerio de la Mujer


14 de January | 2020

Tatiana received the “Order Medal to Women’s Merit” award


10 de December | 2019

The Amazon isn’t only a pair of lungs, but also the heart of the planet

Tatiana Espinoza guardiana de los Shihuahuacos


13 de November | 2019

Peruvian receives acknowledgement in Nepal for protecting the Amazonic rainforests

Tatiana Espinosa, la guardiana de los Shihuahuacos


07 de October | 2019

Tatiana Espinosa, Guardian of the Shihuahuaco

¿Que dice los que han colaborado de nosotros?

It truly is a beatiful way to help a loved one's soul trascend by symbolizing them in a tree and continuing to protect this planet. Lovely work the one you do.

Carla Sangay

Thank you, thank you, thank you for your work, Tatiana. I think we can help on different fronts and I hope that someday we'll be able to say we turned this situation around!

Diana Stephania Tarrillo Rodriguez

I found them thanks to a spotlight done in Global Footprint Network. As a fellow Peruvian, I'm so proud to see a Peruvian NGO was the one who most caught the attention of activists on a global scale.

Mauricio Rivera Vera

I'm very happy to be able to support the stupendous work they do. The conservation of the Amazon is vital for everyone. I hope their work continues forever!

Raúl García Woo

The trees are our natural lungs. I want to thank ARBIO for their work in protecting them – without you guys it would be already deforested.

Puppe Toth

It's a wonderful thing to feel like a part of this group of human beings who dedicate their lives to protect, safeguard, and spread awarenes about the importance of the protection of our mezmerizing Amazon rainforest.

Jessyca Sarango

ARBIO actualmente está plantando las semillas que permitirán nuestra subsistencia en este mundo. Un equipo A1 de profesionales de enorme visión.

Felipe Acha

I am so thrilled to adopt a tree for the second consecutive year in ARBIO. I love plants, animals, the sea, in general, nature. However, trees have attracted my attention since some years ago…

Maria Julia Clavijo

El mensaje sobre el Shihuahuaco, que se enfatiza en la filosofía de trabajo de ARBIO, es solo una de las múltiples especies en peligro que esta prestigiosa institución se ha fijado en resaltar, defender, educar y salvar, haciendo todos los mayores esfuerzos para la divulgación científica de sus trabajos en campo, destacando en este aspecto Tatiana Espinosa y su gran equipo humano.

Patricio Zucconi


a Arbio

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