Active Empathy for Life: a new Sustainable Development Goal

There’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) for the 2030 Agenda approved by the United Nations (UN) and the 193 countries members of it in 2015, and they constitute the master plan to obtain a sustainable world for everyone. As a whole, they are a vision of the future we want.

Organizations’ objectives to recover economically and accomplish sustainable goals have become an increasingly difficult challenge in the middle of this crisis. They have sanitary emergencies, global warming, contamination, resource scarcity, social conflicts; and many other problems to worry about. If they can stick to those objectives, however, they will be able to acquire a reputation as trustworthy firms who work to better the spaces and environments they impact with the development of their operations.

ARBIO fulfills 5 of the 17 SDGs due to the activities we’ve been developing since 2010. As of recently, we will be adhering to one more: the unofficial 18th SDG promoted by the private sector entitled ‘Active Empathy for Life’.

We understand Active Empathy for Life as the ability to prioritize the common benefit through day-to-day actions that generate wellbeing for oneself, those around you, and Mother Earth. By protecting the forests we wish to generate health and wellbeing for people and Mother Earth both – with care, inclusion, solidarity, peace, coherence, and transparency.

By adhering to this new sustainable development goal we vow to continue our work in the forest, respect its own nature, and actively promote empathy towards all living beings that depend directly and indirectly on it.

This new goal leads us to a complete and absolute commitment in our daily tasks in coherence with our long-term vision for our coexistence in harmony with the Amazon rainforest.
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Save the rainforest with ARBIO

a Arbio

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