Programas Especiales



With over 1,800 species within its borders, Peru is one of the richest countries in the world in terms of bird diversity (Schulenberg et al., 2010).

Birds are warm-blooded vertebrates which differ from other animals in having feathers, beaks, and upper limbs which have developed into wings. Feathers protect them and allow them to fly. Birds, especially aquatic ones, protect their feathers with a waterproof oil that is made in a gland at the base of their tails. Not all birds fly—in order to take flight, they need light bones and powerful muscles, so birds have hollow bones and a sternum with a keel where the pectoral muscles attach, allowing them to flap their wings with greater force.

So far 259 bird species have been recorded in the Arbio forest, representing 24 orders and 63 families. It is also worth noting that 4 out of the 5 species of eagles present in the Amazon have been recorded here. These observations show that the Arbio forest is an excellent place for bird watching.

The first bird study in the Arbio forest was performed in 2017. Methodologies included MacKinnon lists and mist nets, covering 8.5 km of trails in 9 days.

The MacKinnon list method consists of continually making lists of birds observed up to a determined length (5, 10, 15, or 20 species), without spatial and/or time restrictions. This method accounts for differences in the observer’s effort and perception and in weather conditions. Species are identified both visually and auditorily.

The mist net technique involves placing nets in different locations, chosen according to the type of vegetation (forest, bamboo grove, etc.) between the hours of 5:30 or 6:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. The results of the MacKinnon list method were complemented by the mist nets. Some bird species which can be observed in the forest include:

  • Amazon kingfisher (Chloroceryle amazona)
  • Snowy egret (Egretta thula)
  • Lemon-throated barbetn (Eubucco richardsoni)
  • White-necked jacobina (Florisuga mellivora)
  • Violaceous quail-dove (Geotrygon violaceae)
  • Crested eagle (Morphnus guianensis)
  • Blue-headed macaw (Primolius couloni)
  • King vulture (Sarcoramphus papa)
  • Black hawk-eagle (Spizaetus tyrannus)

Photo safaris

The biodiversity of the Amazon ecosystem gives nature photographers the ideal opportunity to capture countless vistas with their lens.

Combining the passion for outdoor photography with respect for nature, this expedition is designed to look at the forest from within—from the micro level, observing insects, mushrooms, flowers, and other living things, up to the level of landscapes, animals, large trees, the river, the sky, and even the stars that blanket the clear night sky in this part of the world.

The expedition is led by a professional nature photographer who also accompanies the group on a trip to the neighboring Yine community, where you can observe living cultures coexisting with the forest.

Yoga Retreats

This program leads the participant through simple physical exercises using yoga techniques in order to achieve a profound connection with their own consciousness. This will enable you to experience an expansion of yourself, helping you awake and develop your natural capacities while healing dormant aspects of your being.

This forest experience offers the space and pure energy of nature, to which human beings essentially belong, to help you reconnect and tune in to vibrations that soothe tensions or heal energetic blocks.

Arbio desires to expand awareness of conservation and increase respect for the planet, which begins with gaining deep self-awareness. Both physical (Gathasta Yoga) and energetic (Hatha Yoga) techniques lead us to the practice of a profound style of yoga (Raja Yoga) which strengthens our connection with ourselves.

Expediciones de Conservación

¿Qué opinan los que ya han visitado el bosque de ARBIO?

Vine a ARBIO y encontré increíbles amigos con quienes compartir ideas, conversaciones, mi pasión por los reptiles y anfibios, pero sobretodo, nuestro amor por la naturaleza y la Amazonia.

German Chávez


Estoy muy contenta con ARBIO, no solo por permitirme conocer parte de su bosque y sus riquezas, si no por las increíbles personas que luchan por el ideal de hacer mejor las cosas y dejarlas mejor.

Natasha Cabrera


ARBIO está realizando una tarea importante al tratar de juntar de manera sostenible los intereses tanto de la gente que vive de la selva como de aquellos que buscan protegerla.

Luis Navarro


...volveré con mucho gusto para conectar con la naturaleza, aprender, desconectar de lo mundano, proteger, apoyar el proyecto... esta inolvidable experiencia ha enriquecido mi vida.

Elsa Biondi


El trabajo de campo obtuvo buenos resultados: 259 especies de aves en 9 días. Buenas aves como las águilas y otras especies. ARBIO tiene gran potencial para investigación, conservación y turismo.

Fernando Angulo


He podido observar el esfuerzo e interés de los integrantes de ARBIO por conservar los bosques y un ejemplo es el apoyo que muestran por generar conocimiento a través de la investigación de la fauna.

Andy Barboza


ARBIO está desarrollando un trabajo notable. Cabe a todos proteger nuestra Amazonia. Tuve el placer de colaborar con ellos y fue genial. Espero continuar con esta colaboración.

Elena Lenzi


Me siento muy orgullosa de haber trabajado junto con el equipo de Arbio en un tema extremadamente importante, como es la preservación de la Amazonia.

Camila Carvalho


a Arbio

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