What can be done for the environment?

Environment, a word used uncountable times in recent years. And with all reason, the worries of a worst air quality, of each day even higher temperatures, and of the pollution in all of our ecosystems are matters to worry about. From there emerges the questions, what can be done for the environment?

The World Environment Day is a date established by the United Nations in 1972. Since then, every June 5 is dedicated to raise awareness in the world about the need to preserve natural spaces and protect the ecosystems of the entire planet.

Nature at risk

The devastating effects produced in recent years in the wild environment have been translated into the degradation of air quality, the alterations in the climatic cycles, and in the levels of pollution in the most developed areas of the civilized countries. A global emergency that demands urgent measures such as the protection of the primary forests that still exist in the Amazon, threatened by the expansion of illegal logging, informal mining, water pollution and the agriculture of prohibited species.

Medio Ambiente - Bosque amazónico

ARBIO’s forest

In an area of almost a thousand hectares in the basin of the river Las Piedras, in Tambopata, Madre de Dios region, the peruvian organization ARBIO Peru conserves its primary woods, and takes advantage of the wonderful biodiversity it protects to carry out field research and educate in the rest of the world. However, the task of conserving the amazon rainforest to avoid global environmental catastrophes is not easy, that’s why ARBIO’s model works with the private sector. BBVA Foundation is one of the organizations that joins the conservation of this green giant.

Protecting 100 hectares of ARBIO’s forest, BBVA Foundation is the company with the biggest protected area inside the organization’s boundaries. Thus, through financing research and expeditions, gives the example of possible actions to take for this June 5, the World Environment Day



What can be done for the environment?

And why is it so important to be part of the action-taking? Why is it so vital to conserve the environment? If as humans we still want to live in this paradise called Earth. We must protect and keep everything around us healthy, any space in which life and the elements interact to create biodiverse ecosystems and habitable places.

Medio Ambiente - Hombre con binoculares

Everything is part of the environment, the interconnection between the elements, the living beings and the human creations create what this June 5 we commit to take care. A day where, taking actions beyond our daily routines, we set an example as individuals and do our part to see our environments and our planet better each day. Not destroying, but respecting it.

Do you want to be part of the planet’s conservation? You can start by protecting the Amazon rainforest with ARBIO Peru!

a Arbio

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